Sweet baby L
This tiny little girl didn’t make a peep and I think we finished in record time. Such a little beauty!
James Newborn
I really don’t think this little boy could be more perfect. Such a darling little face and he never made a peep! Thank you Daniel and Amanda for bringing him to the studio!
Connor Newborn
Sweet little boy! A man of many hats:) We literally played dress up with this sleepy boy. The last photo is Connor with his bear that is made from his great grandmothers mink coat, what a cool keepsake.
Baby Braeden
This little guy barely made a peep during the session. And big sis Kensley is one excited big sister. Such a cute family and its always great to see them! Thank you Jake and Kristen, your family is complete!
Baby Sam
I was super excited to meet this little baby because he is my cousin!! Well, he’s my second cousin’s son, so that counts right? Anyway, there is some shared blood in there somewhere and I just adore him. By the…