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    Oh my goodness this boy is cute and so happy! This little wiggle worm giggled through most of his shoot, he has such a cute little personality. And his hair, it could not be more perfect. And Reggie (the dog)…

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    Welcome to the world sweet Perrey! This baby was so calm even with her eyes open. And her hair, oh my goodness, she was born with natural highlights. I would pay for her hair! I loved meeting this little family,…

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    Mason, Reagan and Reese

    Loved photographing this crew! These are good friends of ours, which always makes for a fun and relaxed shoot. Which Erynne and Mark I think would laugh that I called it fun and relaxed, ha! I just love this family,…

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    Charlotte is One!

    Happy birthday to sweet little Charlotte! It took her a few minutes to warm up to me but then she was all smiles. Thanks Lindsay for having me photograph this adorble time, Charlotte is perfect!!

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    Jeans is Always Trendy

    Cras eget elit convallis est condimentum congue non id sem. Proin metus dui, eleifend id mollis quis, pulvinar in metus. Nulla pharetra sapien ultricies dui blandit, eget condimentum tortor rhoncus. Donec gravida leo neque, ac consequat diam dignissim ut. In…