Alexandra and Elijah
This is such a sweet family! They are just such a laid back bunch and these kiddos could not be more beautiful! They look like little models. Veronica and Eric, it was so great seeing you all again!! Thank you…
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This little blonde beauty was a perfect little model! And so so loved. I just love her perfect little face and her hair, oh my goodness! Brad and Amanda, thank you so much for having me photograph this precious time.…
Welcome to the world sweet baby Piper! This little girl is just gorgeous and so lucky to be born into such an awesome little family! Thank you Tahlia for bringing this little beauty out! Congrats to all of you!!
Oscar, Ellett and Vera
Happy 18 months to little Vera. I just ADORE this family! They all have big personalities and are so much fun to be around. Oscar has been looking so grown up lately, next year he is off to Kindergarten and…