George 3 Months
Since George is just a few days shy of six months, I thought this was a perfect time to FINALLY edit his 3 month photos. Time is flying by and it just seems like there are fewer hours in the day, I am struggling to keep up! Anyway, here is our sweet boy George. This little baby is so laid back. He has learned to go with the flow, like most 3rd babies. He doesn’t mind taking interrupted naps while driving the other two around. He actually enjoys his 4 year old sister one inch from his face every second of the day. He smiles at any anyone that smiles at him. And he loves to listen to music, and by music, I mean me singing the ‘wheels on the bus’ over and over becasue I can’t think of any other song. George fits perfectly into our chaotic life, he even brings a little bit of calmness to the table. Except at 3 a.m., but we’re working on that! We love you George Matthew!