Henry is 6!
Yesterday, Dec. 18 was my oldest son’s birthday. This little boy changed our lives the day he entered this world. I discovered a love I didn’t know existed, as well as the end of real sleep! Henry is witty, strong willed, passionate, competetive and makes us laugh every day. During his 5th year of life he started Kindergarten, made lots of new friends, learned to tie his shoes and can read a book all by himself.
The night before his sixth birthday we were eating dinner and out of the blue he said, “will you pull my tooth and then draw a chest hair on my chest”? Henry had yet to lose his first tooth and he had a loose one, he wanted to show up to school with a missing tooth on his 6th birthday. Before I pulled the tooth, he said he was going to scream like Aunt Jill- which means really loud and shrill. So I pulled it, he screamed like Aunt Jill, and we drew a chest hair on him. He seriously could not be more funny. I love this kid. He is one of a kind and we encourage his funniness.
For his birthday dinner he chose Taco Bell, where he had his favorite, a Beefy 5 Layer, and wore his new Beefy 5 Layer shirt I made with sharpies. At least the shirt is awesome, the actual beefy 5 layer, not so much. But he loves it.