Photoshop Love!
The number one question I get is “What kind of camera do you use?” Which obviously it is important to have great equipment, which I do- I have a Canon 5D Mark II with a Canon 40 D for back up with prime lenses. But if you want to know how to get images to really stand out- its all about the editing process. Photoshop is how I get my images to pop. I spend way more time editing and playing with photos than I do shooting. I am a little bit addicted to trying new Photoshop plug ins and actions, it is incredible what you can do. I have been using Photoshop for over 15 years and I still feel like I have so much to more to learn and explore. Here are a couple before and afters. The first one is my son Henry at the apple orchard. And the other is a newborn before and after I put together a couple years ago that I just found:) Enjoy!